

Solo designe un fideicomiso si ya se estableció.


La inscripción ahora está abierta. Inscríbase ahora

<div class="alert alert-warning">
    <p>Only designate a trust if it has already been established.</p>

<div class="alert alert-info">
    <p>Enrollment is now open. <a href="#">Enroll now</a></p>

Here is some text next to the checkbox.

<p><i class="em-checkbox-icon"></i> Here is some text next to the checkbox.</p>





<h1><span class="currency"><sup>$</sup>12,345.67</span></h1>
<h2><span class="currency"><sup>$</sup>12,345.67</span></h2>
<h3><span class="currency"><sup>$</sup>12,345.67</span></h3>
<p><span class="currency"><sup>$</sup>12,345.67</span></p>

Custom Plan Messages

For custom plan messages, we've built out a series of reusuable classes to create several different layouts. These classes are found in custom-messages.less.

Background Colors


Text Colors


Font Sizes


Font choices



.padding-100 provides 1em of left/right padding
.padding-200 provides 2em of left/right padding

Custom client classes

.apple-k will add the (k) to the background of the div
.employed is a hook to show/hide for empolyed views

Es hora de pensar en sus contribuciones de 2016.

Su amigo, (k)

<h2>Custom Plan Messages</h2>

<p>For custom plan messages, we've built out a series of reusuable classes to create several different layouts. These classes are found in custom-messages.less.</p>

<h3>Background Colors</h3>

<h3>Text Colors</h3>

<h3>Font Sizes</h3>

<h3>Font choices</h3>

<i>.padding-100</i> provides 1em of left/right padding<br />
<i>.padding-200</i> provides 2em of left/right padding

<h3>Custom client classes</h3>
<i>.apple-k</i> will add the (k) to the background of the div<br />
<i>.employed</i> is a hook to show/hide for empolyed views

<br /><br />

<section class="messaging-pod">
	<div class="apple-k green-background white-text font-xl serif padding-200 employed">
	    <p>It's time to think about your 2016 contributions.</p>

	        Your friend,

* Usted es el único responsable de la precisión de la información de contribución que proporciona y puede resultar en exceso o falta de contribución durante el año.

<div class="form-group">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-9">
      <label for="footnoteExampleField" class="label-inline">

    <div class="col-sm-3">
      <span class="dollar-inline">$</span>
      <input type="text"
             class="form-control col-sm-3"

<p class="footnote">
  * You are solely responsible for the accuracy of the contribution information
  you provide and it may result in you overcontributing or undercontributing
  for the year.

Mis cuentas



100MB max file size.
<div class="flex-heading">
    <h2>My Accounts</h2>
    <span class="flex-heading__content">
        <a href="#" class="btn-print fa fa-print">Print</a>

<div class="flex-heading">
    <span class="flex-heading__content">
        100MB max file size.
        <button class="btn btn-link btn-no-style">
            View supported file types
<iframe src="" width="" height="" class="legacy-frame"></iframe>
List-Group List
  • list-group Item
  • list-group Item
  • list-group Item
  • list-group Item
Red Arrow List
  • Red Arrow List Item
  • Red Arrow List Item
  • Red Arrow List Item
  • Red Arrow List Item
<div>List-Group List</div>
<ul class="list-group">
  <li>list-group Item</li>
  <li>list-group Item</li>
  <li>list-group Item</li>
  <li>list-group Item</li>

<div>Red Arrow List</div>
<ul class="red-arrow">
  <li>Red Arrow List Item</li>
  <li>Red Arrow List Item</li>
  <li>Red Arrow List Item</li>
  <li>Red Arrow List Item</li>
<div style="position: relative">

  <div class="loaderBackground just-element">
    <div class="loader"></div>

  <div class="modal fade">
  	<div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
  		<div class="shadowify">
  			<div class="inner-container with-offset with-padding">
  				<p>The Internal Revenue Service announced that for tax year 2015, the elective deferral (contribution) limit for employees who participate in a 401(k), 403(b), most 457 plans, and the federal government's Thrift Savings Plan is increased.</p>
Has a little top margin
Has more top margin
Has a lot of top margin
Has a ton of top margin
Has a little right margin
Has more right margin
Has a lot of right margin
Has a ton of right margin
Has a little bottom margin
Has more bottom margin
Has a lot of bottom margin
Has a ton of bottom margin
Has a little left margin
Has more left margin
Has a lot of left margin
Has a ton of left margin
<div class="margin-top-100">Has a little top margin</div>
<div class="margin-top-200">Has more top margin</div>
<div class="margin-top-300">Has a lot of top margin</div>
<div class="margin-top-400">Has a ton of top margin</div>

<div class="margin-right-100">Has a little right margin</div>
<div class="margin-right-200">Has more right margin</div>
<div class="margin-right-300">Has a lot of right margin</div>
<div class="margin-right-400">Has a ton of right margin</div>

<div class="margin-bottom-100">Has a little bottom margin</div>
<div class="margin-bottom-200">Has more bottom margin</div>
<div class="margin-bottom-300">Has a lot of bottom margin</div>
<div class="margin-bottom-400">Has a ton of bottom margin</div>

<div class="margin-left-100">Has a little left margin</div>
<div class="margin-left-200">Has more left margin</div>
<div class="margin-left-300">Has a lot of left margin</div>
<div class="margin-left-400">Has a ton of left margin</div>

This is a page title

This is a page title with a border

<div class="page-title"><h1>This is a page title</h1></div>
<div class="page-title with-border"><h1>This is a page title with a border</h1></div>

Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

<p>Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.</p>
<div class="dtable">

      <div class="thead" aria-hidden="true">
        <div class="cell"></div>
        <div class="cell">
          <span class="column-label">Column heading 1</span>
          <span class="caret-sort-up caret-active"></span>
          <span class="caret-sort-down"></span>
        <div class="cell">
          <span class="column-label">Column heading 2</span>
          <span class="caret-sort-up"></span>
          <span class="caret-sort-down"></span>
        <div class="cell">
          <span class="column-label">Column heading 3</span>
          <span class="caret-sort-up"></span>
          <span class="caret-sort-down"></span>
        <div class="cell">
          <span class="column-label">Column heading 4</span>
          <span class="caret-sort-up"></span>
          <span class="caret-sort-down"></span>

Contribución Tipo
55.33% Sueldo básico 401(k) Tradicional Agregar aumento automático
19.67% Sueldo básico 401(k) Roth Agregar aumento automático
6% Catch-up Traditional 401(k)
69% Catch-up Roth 401(k)
10% Employee After tax
<table ng-show="ctrl.emptySCErrors.length === 0 &amp;&amp; !ctrl.missingPayrollCalendar" class="contributions-cart" style="">
          <th class="col-sm-2 ng-binding">
          <th class="col-sm-3 ng-binding">
          <th class="col-sm-7" colspan="2">
      <!-- ngRepeat: deferral in ctrl.model.allData.deferrals --><tbody ng-repeat="deferral in ctrl.model.allData.deferrals" ng-show="deferral.showDeferral" class="ng-scope">

        <!-- ngRepeat: item in filtered = (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}) --><tr ng-repeat="item in filtered = (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}) " class="ng-scope">

              <!-- ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' --><span ng-if="deferral.showDeferral &amp;&amp; deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">55.33%</span><!-- end ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' -->
              <!-- ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType!='%' -->

          <td class="ng-binding">
              Base Pay Traditional 401(k)

          <!-- ngIf: (deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null && (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH'))) --><td ng-if="(deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null &amp;&amp; (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH')))" class="ng-scope">
            <!-- ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && item.autoIncreaseEligible && (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) && item.modifiedAmount!==0 && !item.disableAI --><a href="" ng-if="(deferral.showDeferral &amp;&amp; deferral.editDeferral) &amp;&amp; item.autoIncreaseEligible &amp;&amp; (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null &amp;&amp; item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) &amp;&amp; item.modifiedAmount!==0 &amp;&amp; !item.disableAI" ng-click="ctrl.setCurrentValues(deferral.code,item.code);openModal()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">
                Add Auto Increase
            </a><!-- end ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && item.autoIncreaseEligible && (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) && item.modifiedAmount!==0 && !item.disableAI -->
            <!-- ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && item.autoIncreaseEligible && (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) && (item.modifiedAmount===0 || item.disableAI) -->
            <!-- ngIf: item.modifiedAmount===0 && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' -->
            <!-- ngIf: item.modifiedAmount===0 && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='$' -->
            <!-- ngIf: (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy !== '' && deferral.showDeferral) -->
          </td><!-- end ngIf: (deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null && (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH'))) -->
         <!-- ngIf: deferral.maximizer !== null && deferral.maximizer.maximizerType !== null && deferral.maximizer.maximizerType!=='MATCH' -->
         <!-- ngIf: $first --><td rowspan="2" ng-if="$first" class="ng-scope">
            <!-- ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}).length > 0 --><button ng-if="(deferral.showDeferral &amp;&amp; deferral.editDeferral) &amp;&amp; (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}).length &gt; 0" ng-disabled="deferral.disableDeferralType" type="button" name="buttonEdit" id="buttonEdit_STANDARD" class="btn btn-default pull-right ng-binding ng-scope" ng-click="ctrl.onAddEditClick('STANDARD')">
            </button><!-- end ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}).length > 0 -->
          </td><!-- end ngIf: $first -->

        </tr><!-- end ngRepeat: item in filtered = (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}) --><tr ng-repeat="item in filtered = (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}) " class="ng-scope">

              <!-- ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' --><span ng-if="deferral.showDeferral &amp;&amp; deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">19.67%</span><!-- end ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' -->
              <!-- ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType!='%' -->

          <td class="ng-binding">
              Base Pay Roth 401(k)

          <!-- ngIf: (deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null && (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH'))) --><td ng-if="(deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null &amp;&amp; (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH')))" class="ng-scope">
            <!-- ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && item.autoIncreaseEligible && (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) && item.modifiedAmount!==0 && !item.disableAI --><a href="" ng-if="(deferral.showDeferral &amp;&amp; deferral.editDeferral) &amp;&amp; item.autoIncreaseEligible &amp;&amp; (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null &amp;&amp; item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) &amp;&amp; item.modifiedAmount!==0 &amp;&amp; !item.disableAI" ng-click="ctrl.setCurrentValues(deferral.code,item.code);openModal()" class="ng-binding ng-scope">
                Add Auto Increase
            </a><!-- end ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && item.autoIncreaseEligible && (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) && item.modifiedAmount!==0 && !item.disableAI -->
            <!-- ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && item.autoIncreaseEligible && (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) && (item.modifiedAmount===0 || item.disableAI) -->
            <!-- ngIf: item.modifiedAmount===0 && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' -->
            <!-- ngIf: item.modifiedAmount===0 && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='$' -->
            <!-- ngIf: (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy !== '' && deferral.showDeferral) -->
          </td><!-- end ngIf: (deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null && (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH'))) -->
         <!-- ngIf: deferral.maximizer !== null && deferral.maximizer.maximizerType !== null && deferral.maximizer.maximizerType!=='MATCH' -->
         <!-- ngIf: $first -->

        </tr><!-- end ngRepeat: item in filtered = (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}) -->

      </tbody><!-- end ngRepeat: deferral in ctrl.model.allData.deferrals --><tbody ng-repeat="deferral in ctrl.model.allData.deferrals" ng-show="deferral.showDeferral" class="ng-scope">

        <!-- ngRepeat: item in filtered = (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}) --><tr ng-repeat="item in filtered = (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}) " class="ng-scope">

              <!-- ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' --><span ng-if="deferral.showDeferral &amp;&amp; deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">6%</span><!-- end ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' -->
              <!-- ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType!='%' -->

          <td class="ng-binding">
              Catch-up Traditional 401(k)

          <!-- ngIf: (deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null && (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH'))) --><td ng-if="(deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null &amp;&amp; (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH')))" class="ng-scope">
            <!-- ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && item.autoIncreaseEligible && (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) && item.modifiedAmount!==0 && !item.disableAI -->
            <!-- ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && item.autoIncreaseEligible && (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) && (item.modifiedAmount===0 || item.disableAI) -->
            <!-- ngIf: item.modifiedAmount===0 && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' -->
            <!-- ngIf: item.modifiedAmount===0 && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='$' -->
            <!-- ngIf: (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy !== '' && deferral.showDeferral) -->
          </td><!-- end ngIf: (deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null && (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH'))) -->
         <!-- ngIf: deferral.maximizer !== null && deferral.maximizer.maximizerType !== null && deferral.maximizer.maximizerType!=='MATCH' -->
         <!-- ngIf: $first --><td rowspan="2" ng-if="$first" class="ng-scope">
            <!-- ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}).length > 0 --><button ng-if="(deferral.showDeferral &amp;&amp; deferral.editDeferral) &amp;&amp; (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}).length &gt; 0" ng-disabled="deferral.disableDeferralType" type="button" name="buttonEdit" id="buttonEdit_CATCHUP" class="btn btn-default pull-right ng-binding ng-scope" ng-click="ctrl.onAddEditClick('CATCHUP')">
            </button><!-- end ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}).length > 0 -->
          </td><!-- end ngIf: $first -->

        </tr><!-- end ngRepeat: item in filtered = (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}) --><tr ng-repeat="item in filtered = (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}) " class="ng-scope">

              <!-- ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' --><span ng-if="deferral.showDeferral &amp;&amp; deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">69%</span><!-- end ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' -->
              <!-- ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType!='%' -->

          <td class="ng-binding">
              Catch-up Roth 401(k)

          <!-- ngIf: (deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null && (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH'))) --><td ng-if="(deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null &amp;&amp; (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH')))" class="ng-scope">
            <!-- ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && item.autoIncreaseEligible && (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) && item.modifiedAmount!==0 && !item.disableAI -->
            <!-- ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && item.autoIncreaseEligible && (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) && (item.modifiedAmount===0 || item.disableAI) -->
            <!-- ngIf: item.modifiedAmount===0 && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' -->
            <!-- ngIf: item.modifiedAmount===0 && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='$' -->
            <!-- ngIf: (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy !== '' && deferral.showDeferral) -->
          </td><!-- end ngIf: (deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null && (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH'))) -->
         <!-- ngIf: deferral.maximizer !== null && deferral.maximizer.maximizerType !== null && deferral.maximizer.maximizerType!=='MATCH' -->
         <!-- ngIf: $first -->

        </tr><!-- end ngRepeat: item in filtered = (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}) -->

      </tbody><!-- end ngRepeat: deferral in ctrl.model.allData.deferrals --><tbody ng-repeat="deferral in ctrl.model.allData.deferrals" ng-show="deferral.showDeferral" class="ng-scope">

        <!-- ngRepeat: item in filtered = (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}) --><tr ng-repeat="item in filtered = (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}) " class="ng-scope">

              <!-- ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' --><span ng-if="deferral.showDeferral &amp;&amp; deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%'" class="ng-binding ng-scope">10%</span><!-- end ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' -->
              <!-- ngIf: deferral.showDeferral && deferral.selectedAllocationType!='%' -->

          <td class="ng-binding">
              Employee After tax

          <!-- ngIf: (deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null && (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH'))) --><td ng-if="(deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null &amp;&amp; (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH')))" class="ng-scope">
            <!-- ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && item.autoIncreaseEligible && (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) && item.modifiedAmount!==0 && !item.disableAI -->
            <!-- ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && item.autoIncreaseEligible && (item.autoIncrease===null || (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy === '')) && (item.modifiedAmount===0 || item.disableAI) -->
            <!-- ngIf: item.modifiedAmount===0 && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='%' -->
            <!-- ngIf: item.modifiedAmount===0 && deferral.selectedAllocationType=='$' -->
            <!-- ngIf: (item.autoIncrease !== null && item.autoIncrease.increaseBy !== '' && deferral.showDeferral) -->
          </td><!-- end ngIf: (deferral.maximizer === null || (deferral.maximizer !== null && (deferral.maximizer.maximizerType === null || deferral.maximizer.maximizerType==='MATCH'))) -->
         <!-- ngIf: deferral.maximizer !== null && deferral.maximizer.maximizerType !== null && deferral.maximizer.maximizerType!=='MATCH' -->
         <!-- ngIf: $first --><td rowspan="1" ng-if="$first" class="ng-scope">
            <!-- ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}).length > 0 --><button ng-if="(deferral.showDeferral &amp;&amp; deferral.editDeferral) &amp;&amp; (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}).length &gt; 0" ng-disabled="deferral.disableDeferralType" type="button" name="buttonEdit" id="buttonEdit_AFTERTAX" class="btn btn-default pull-right ng-binding ng-scope" ng-click="ctrl.onAddEditClick('AFTERTAX')">
            </button><!-- end ngIf: (deferral.showDeferral && deferral.editDeferral) && (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}).length > 0 -->
          </td><!-- end ngIf: $first -->

        </tr><!-- end ngRepeat: item in filtered = (deferral.deferralsList | filter :{current:'true'}) -->

      </tbody><!-- end ngRepeat: deferral in ctrl.model.allData.deferrals -->

Row Heading

Table Cell
Table Cell
Table Cell
Table Cell

Row Heading

Table Cell
Table Cell
Table Cell
Table Cell

Row Heading

Table Cell
Table Cell
Table Cell
Table Cell
<div class="dtable">

      <div class="thead" aria-hidden="true">
        <div class="cell"></div>
        <div class="cell">Column heading 1</div>
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        <div class="cell">Column heading 3</div>
        <div class="cell">Column heading 4</div>

      <div class="trow">
        <div class="cell cell-head"><h4>Row Heading</h4></div>
        <div class="cell" aria-label="Column heading 1"><span>Table Cell</span></div>
        <div class="cell" aria-label="Column heading 2"><span>Table Cell</span></div>
        <div class="cell" aria-label="Column heading 3"><span>Table Cell</span></div>
        <div class="cell" aria-label="Column heading 4"><span>Table Cell</span></div>

      <div class="trow">
        <div class="cell cell-head"><h4>Row Heading</h4></div>
        <div class="cell" aria-label="Column heading 1"><span>Table Cell</span></div>
        <div class="cell" aria-label="Column heading 2"><span>Table Cell</span></div>
        <div class="cell" aria-label="Column heading 3"><span>Table Cell</span></div>
        <div class="cell" aria-label="Column heading 4"><span>Table Cell</span></div>

      <div class="trow">
        <div class="cell cell-head"><h4>Row Heading</h4></div>
        <div class="cell" aria-label="Column heading 1"><span>Table Cell</span></div>
        <div class="cell" aria-label="Column heading 2"><span>Table Cell</span></div>
        <div class="cell" aria-label="Column heading 3"><span>Table Cell</span></div>
        <div class="cell" aria-label="Column heading 4"><span>Table Cell</span></div>

Table Heading 1 Table Heading 2 Table Heading 3
Table Footer 1 Table Footer 2 Table Footer 3
Table Cell 1 Table Cell 2 Table Cell 3
Table Cell 1 Table Cell 2 Table Cell 3
Table Cell 1 Table Cell 2 Table Cell 3
Table Cell 1 Table Cell 2 Table Cell 3
<table class="table">
			<th>Table Heading 1</th>
			<th>Table Heading 2</th>
			<th>Table Heading 3</th>
			<th>Table Footer 1</th>
			<th>Table Footer 2</th>
			<th>Table Footer 3</th>
		<td>Table Cell 1</td>
		<td>Table Cell 2</td>
		<td>Table Cell 3</td>
		<td>Table Cell 1</td>
		<td>Table Cell 2</td>
		<td>Table Cell 3</td>
		<td>Table Cell 1</td>
		<td>Table Cell 2</td>
		<td>Table Cell 3</td>
		<td>Table Cell 1</td>
		<td>Table Cell 2</td>
		<td>Table Cell 3</td>
<label for="text-input">Text input</label>
<input type="text" id="text-input" />
<textarea name="" id="" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea>